Sure if you look at pictures of unattractive naked people it won't turn you on and even if you try to imagine those people in the picture as being hot it still wouldn't turn any one on. 'I have to ask: How do you get hard if your client is unattractive? And how do you keep going if your client is very attractive?' I knew there was money to be made and I found out on my own the best way to go about it.'Ī high class male escort answers 21 questions 4. Started offering the whole enchilada for women and some service for men. So I posted an ad asking if any gay men wanted to cuddle with a cute straight boy for money. 'Years later I had moved from Hawaii to my current city, lost my job and needed a way to pay the bills. I did get the responses I wanted but also received an email from a guy offering to pay me 60 bucks if I slept next to him in bed and cuddled. So I posted an ad on Craigslist asking if any girl/s would like to go out for a night on the town with me. I had a bunch of money, wanted to go out drinking and none of my friends were down.
'It all started when I was visiting my current town from Hawaii. Twenty one-year-old Reddit user BlackLabelBaloo, who is 'a straight male prostitute that caters to both women and men' invited the internet to Ask Him Anything. The 'AMA' (Ask Me Anything) board of Reddit is where celebrities and interesting muggles alike volunteer themselves to answer any question posed by the site's users.